Heartworm Disease
April is Heartworm Awareness Month, so we wanted to share some information about heartworm disease with you. Heartworm disease can be caused by a single mosquito bite. If an infected mosquito bites your pet, it deposits heartworm larvae into their bloodstream. These larvae then enter your pet through the bite wound and make their way…
Echocardiography is the evaluation of the heart using ultrasound, or sound waves, which reflects a picture of the inside of the heart onto a monitor screen. Echocardiograms or “echos” are one of the most useful and informative diagnostics to characterize heart disease not only in people but in dogs and cats as well.
Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex
“Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex” (CIRDC) is the new term to describe a collection of respiratory symptoms that reach a certain level of severity. Respiratory disease…